From HWC’s Cushman Gen, p. 100: He and his 2d wife were members of the Church at Plympton. He lived on the west side of the highway that leads from Plympton meeting house to the north part of the town, and “Colchester Brook” ran through his farm, which contained a large quantity of land.
Plymouth Colony Records, Court Orders, vol. 4, p. 90, under date March 7, 1664-5, contain a curious circumstance respecting him. In his early days, ‘before marriage, but after contract,’ as the record says, he made a mistake that was not uncommon in the early history of this country, for which he was ‘sentenced to pay a fine of five pounds according to law.’ The rule of perfect chastity was oftener violated by our fathers in the 17th and 18th centuries than at later periods. The common practice in vogue then of ‘courting’ by young men and maidens, and the uniform fashion ‘of keeping company till the small hours of the night,’ was one that did not tend to promote a high degree of virtuous intercourse. In that particular the civilization of this day is in advance of our ancestors. But the subject of this article did not suffer materially in his reputation by an error which he soon remedied by marriage; and was, during a long life, a worthy member of the Congregational Church at Plympton, of which his brother was the Pastor.”
From Isaac Allerton of the Mayflower...4 Gens: On 7 Mar 1664-5 Thomas Cushman was fined for committing “carnal coppulation” with his now wife before marriage, but after contract.
On 21 May 1721 Thomas Cushman of Plimpton, yeoman, deeded to son Benjamin the house and land where Benjamin was living. On the same day he deeded to son Samuel the land where Samuel was living. On 25 Dec 1721 he deeded the land where he, Thomas, was living to sons Benjamin and Samuel.
No Plymouth Co. Probate Record found for Thomas Cushman.
From the Vital Records of Plympton to 1850 • Plympton Deaths, p. 472: Cushman, Thomas, Aug. 23, 1726, age 89 “wanting about one month,” in Probate I.
E-mail from Harry C. Hadaway Jr., some years ago, gives Abigail’s surname as FULLER, not TITUS.
In Edson’s Genealogical Notes, she is also called Abigail FULLER. Her maiden name is TITUS. She was a widow, having been married to John FULLER.
From HWC’s Cushman Gen: Bartholomew was a member of the church at Plympton. He had no children.
From Edson’s Genealogical Notes: Given name may have been Barnabas, as cited in this book.
From VR of Plympton to 1850 • Plympton Deaths, p. 469: Cushman, Bartholomew, Dec. 21, 1721 (in 38th y.) in P.
From Isaac Allerton of the MF...4 Gens: On 1 Mar 1665/6 When Francis Hutchinson was deposed, he was 36 years old.
The will of Francis Hutchinson of Reading dated 18 Feb 1698, proved 7 Dec 1702, names wife Martha; sons Francis, Thomas and John. The eldest son “not yet of age 21 years” was named executor. The inventory states that Francis Hutchinson died 12 Nov. 1702.
From Isaac Allerton of the MF...4 Gens: On 4 Sep 1694 the estate was settled betw. the widow Sarah and sons John, Thomas and Ebenezer Hawkes; son Moses Hawkes' land is what grandfather Adam Hawkes willed him; dau. Mercy Hawkes. Elizabeth Hawks (widow of Adam Hawkes) signed for her son John Hawkes.
On 8 Apr 1695 Sarah Hawkes, widow of John Hawkes Sr. turned over the administration of her husband’s estate in favor of sons John and Thomas. At the same time, John Hawkes quitclaimed to Elizabeth, widow of Adam Hawkes, his brother who had died before their father, and to john Hawkes only son of Adam Hawkes four score acres in Lynn.
From the Vital Records of Plympton to 1850 • Plympton Deaths, p. 470: Cushman, Isaac, Rev., Oct. 21, 1732, in 84th y. [“The first minister of the Church in Plympton.”]
From HWC’s Cushman Gen: (Isaac) was a member of the church at Plymouth, and obtained a better education than most men of that day.
In 1685 he was one of the Selectmen of Plymouth, and in June 1690 he and John Bradford were the Deputies from Plymouth to the General Court of the Plymouth Colony, and in Aug. the same year another General Court was held and the same Deputies were re-elected.
In June 1691, John Bradford and Isaac Cushman were again elected Deputies to the General Court, from Plymouth, and it was the last one previous to the union of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Colonies, which took place in 1692. The first General Court of the new Province was held 8 June 1692.
His venerable father, Elder Thomas Cushman, having d. in 1691, the church at Plymouth was without a “Ruling Elder,” then an office of great importance and responsibility. We may reasonably suppose that the early attention and thoughts of the church were directed to the consideration of a successor; but we find no evidence of any church action till 1694. We copy from the first volume of the Plymouth church Records, p. 22:
“1694, March 7, was a church meeting which the Sabbath before the church had notice and were then desired to prepare their thoughts to nominate some brethren to serve in the office of Elders and Deacons. The church spoke man by man, and all but two or three of the brethren nominated Deacon Faunce and Bro. Isaac Cushman for Elders.
"1695, June 16: the matter of Elders being named and then nominated, desired to give their answers; Bro. Faunce declined a present acceptance of the call from sense of his own unfitness. Bro. Isaac Cushman desired further time of consideration; in which time our brethren engaged in promoting a new society in our western precincts, gave Bro. Cushman an earnest call to teach the word of God to them, and desired our church to consent thereto. Also in this time Mr. Samuel Fuller, the Teacher of the church at Middlebury, a sincere Godly man whom we had the last yeare dismissed to that service, died August 29th: being about 66 years old, a great losse to that place, immediately upon which that church and Towne sent letters to our church to desire our consent that Bro. Isaac Cushman might be their Teacher, upon all which accounts the church was called to meet on September 1: which they did, and the Pastor acquainted them with those 2 calls our brother had. The church manifested generally their good respect to him and desires not to part with him, but that he should be an Elder here in his blessed Father’s room, and desired did: That the Providence of God was mysterious, but he apprehended he should rather accept the call of his church to be Elder here, because it was first given before the other two calls; the church acted no further in that matter at that time, only voted that it would be noe offence but acceptable to them if Bro. Cushman did improve his gifts in teaching at Middlebury or any other place where the orderly providence of God should call him. God soe disposed that he harkened to the call of our Brethren and neighbours of the new society where he now lives and constantly attends the work of Preaching amongst them and is well accepted and acknowledged by them.”
Such is the recorded history of his election as Elder of the Plymouth church, his call to the ministry of the church in Middleboro’, and also as Pastor of the new church then established in Plympton, the western Precinct of Plymouth. Which should be accepted, was, indeed, a difficult question to decide. A controversy ensued of more or less warmth, which, as the sequel will show was amicably settled.
Isaac, having attained the age of about forty-five years, and under the direction and example of his venerable father, Elder Cushman, having been taught the dogmas and the precepts of the Pilgrims, and having “walked in all the ways of his fathers,” and withal being a man of strong intellectual powers and devotional feelings, with benevolence and veneration fully developed in his organization, he resolved to enter the ministry, for which he undoubtedly had peculiar “gifts and graces.” As a member of the church and as a Deacon, which office he had held several years, he had, undoubtedly, led in their prayers, had exhorted in their conference meetings, and was thus well prepared to become a Pastor.
But here a difficulty occurred. The Pilgrims were particular in the smaller matters of the law as well as the more important. He had not served as a Ruling Elder; and the question arose among the Rabbis of the Colony — Can a man, according to the rules of the Church and the precepts of the Saviour, be ordained as a Pastor, who has not been ordained and served as Ruling Elder? That was a knotty question, indeed — especially so at that time, when the Pilgrims who had argued with the hierarchy in England and against Arminianism in Holland, had now all passed away.
The Rev. Mr. Cotton, Pastor of the Plymouth church, and a minority of that church took the negative side of that question; while Isaac Cushman and a majority of the church took an opposite view of it. Meeting after meeting was held to discuss that great question. The excitement increased. Mr. Cotton felt that the power and influence, as well as the usefulness of the clergy, were at stake. Even the ministers of the Pilgrim church were not entirely destitute of a love of domination — especially when they felt that they were right. On the other hand, Mr. Cushman and a major part of the church argued that the majority should rule, and that it was a long settled principle of the Congregational body of believers, that each church was entirely independent in its organization from all others.
The question waxed hotter — each side claiming that they were following in the footsteps of their predecessors, the English Puritans.
In the meantime Mr. Cushman commenced preaching at Plympton to a branch of the Plymouth church, without being ordained. That increased the flame, and contention was, for a time, the order of the day in the Plymouth church.
Says Dr. Thatcher, “the controversy continued about three years, with considerable warmth and occasioned the withdrawal of some of the members of the church. Many ill reports were propogated, injurious to the reputation and feelings of Mr. Cotton.”
At length it became apparent that Mr. Cushman, his friends and his side of the question must prevail; for he would preach and the people at Plympton would hear him — ordained or not. And on every principle of the Congregational church were they not right? Thereupon Mr. Cotton asked for a dismissal, which was granted him; and with his departure, the minority abandoned all opposition to Mr. Cushman’s ordination; and peace and harmony were restored to the Plymouth Church. • • •
Evidence of the full settlement of the whole matter, by the interested parties is recorded in the
We continue the history of Isaac Cushman’s connection with the church at Plympton, in the language of the Plympton Church Records — a small quarto volume, bound with parchment, now lying before us. It was written by himself, or by his son Isaac, whose writing it somewhat resembles, and who was for many years Town Clerk of Plympton.
We give it verbatim et literatim, from the original Record.
The “Creed and Confession of Faith” show something of the state of dogmatic theology at that day, as held by the first generation from the Pilgrims. It also illustrates the literature of that age and the ability of the writer, the Rev. Isaac Cushman.
At the time of his ordination as Pastor at Plympton, he was in the prime of his life (about fifty years of age) and we may therefore suppose his maturest judgment and best thoughts were called into requisition in the preparation of that Creed and Confession of Faith.
And it is a curious historical fact that that Creed and Covenant are precisely the same as those now (1854-55) used by the Congregational Church at Plympton. In the year 1793, under the ministry of Rev. Ezra Sampson, it was changed, and its ultra-calvinism somewhat modified. But in the year 1808, the original, as prepared by our ancestor, was again adopted and has since remained unchanged. Stability must certainly be a marked characteristic of the people of Plympton.
On Sunday the 27th of Nov., 1698, the Deacons of this new church were ordained, and the first sacrament was administered by their recently ordained Pastor, on the 4th day of December, 1698. For a period of nearly 37 years, until he was “fathered to his fathers,” he continued in the ministry at Plympton; though it is probable that he became infirm and superannuated during the latter years of his life, as a colleague was ordained over his church about a year before his death.
Of his talents as a preacher, we know but little. None of his sermons were ever printed, so far as we can learn, and none of them in manuscript are extant. But “judging the tree by its fruit,” we must place him among the most useful and valuable members of his profession. During his ministry of 37 years, 247 persons became members of his church —103 females and 144 males — averaging nearly seven per annum. In a small and sparsely settled community like that, a church so numerous shows very conclusively the deeply prevailing religious sentiment of the people, and the faithful and unremitting labors of its Pastor.
He solemnized during his ministry 144 marriages. The number of children baptized is not stated; but from the fact that in a few cases the children of parents who were church members that were not baptized, were recorded, we may infer that it was a universal custom for all children of members of the church, at an early day after their birth, to receive that initiatory ceremonial of the Pilgrim church. An example of the foregoing is found on page 14 of the Plymouth Church Records: “Memorandum, that Israel Maye, son of Dorkas Maye, hath not been baptized here.”
A few of the last pages of the Plympton Church Records contain a history of that church and its ministers, written by Dea. Lewis Bradford. [Footnote: I am indebted to Dea. Bradford, late of Plympton (a lineal descendant of Gov. Bradford, the second Governor of Plymouth Colony), whose lamented decease took place so suddenly Aug. 10, 1851, for much genealogical information respecting the Cushmans who settled early in the Old Colony. Mr. B. was killed instantly by being thrown from a wagon in Plympton, on Sunday, as he was about to return home from divine workship, at the age of 83. He had been Town Clerk of Plympton for nearly forty years; a Representative in the Legislature from that town, and was a highly respected and excellent citizen, and a devout member of the Congregational Church at Plympton, of which he was Clerk for many years. He was a most laborious and persevering genealogist and antiquarian. As a friend remarked: “He was the living embodiment of genealogy, having made it almost the business of his life.”]
Speaking of Rev. Isaac Cushman, Dea. Bradford wrote:
“He was a pious and godly man. He had not a college education. He used to preach without notes, but studied his sermons beforehand and committed them to memory. It is said that those who worked with him could generally tell where his text would be the Sabbath following. I have heard my grandfather, Gideon Bradford, Esq., say that when the Rev. Mr. Cushman met with children or youth, he had always something to say to them of a religious nature, and at parting, gave him his blessing; that he, himself, had received many a blessing from him. The Rev. Mr. Cushman, on Sabbath days, instead of a wig, used to wear a black velvet cap.”
His dwelling house, which had what was called a dormon roof, (i.e., a house so constructed that it had a gable-end at each of the four sides, and the rain ran off at the four corners of it — a style of building the best houses, quite common in those days) stood near the easterly end of a small piece of fresh meadow, the water from which, when it runs, crosses the road about forty rods northward of the Burying Ground in Plympton. [Footnote: He owned a large farm, extending from the Burying Ground northwardly, on the east side of the present highway, on which his house was located. The land was given to him by his father’s Will, “on both sides of Colchester Brook,” and was afterwards owned and occupied by his brother Thomas.]
His salary in the year 1701 was £35, and it was increased from time to time, till in 1728 it was £85 a year, as money was then reckoned.
He died Oct. 21, 1732, in the 84th year of his age, and the 37th of his ministry. He was buried in the burying yard at Plympton, next to the road, about middle way between the north and south end of the yard. He is said to have been a sound Calvinist and a faithful preacher. His memory has been much respected in Plympton.
We give here a true copy of the Last Will of Rev. Isaac Cushman.
Rev. Mr. Cushman had quite an estate, considering how money was then estimated. We provide here a copy of the Inventory of his Personal Estate.
Such is the best account we can give of the long life of Rev. Isaac Cushman. The Plympton Church Records, as well as other contemporaneous evidence, show him to have been a pious, devoted and successful minister of the Gospel. What higher eulogium can we pronounce on any man than that?
In his earlier days, he was probably engaged—as nearly all were at that period—in the business of agriculture; and in connection with it, was frequently employed in the civil offices of the town of Plymouth—such as Selectman, Deputy in the General Court, Deacon in the Church, &c. Those duties, no doubt, had a tendency to discipline his mind and prepare him for the higher service of Pastor and Teacher.
In the various offices, relations and responsibilities of life, we have every reason to suppose that he acted his part well; that the mission of labor, of trial and of duty entrusted to him by his Creator, was well fulfilled; and to sum up all in a single idea — that he “lived the life and died the death of the righteous.”
Requiescat in Pace.
The writer of this article (Henry Wyles Cushman) is a lineal descendant of the fifth generation from the Rev. Isaac Cushman, and he would here express his gratitude to God that he has thus been enabled to do some measure of justice to the character and memory of his venerable ancestor.
From Isaac Allerton of the MF...4 Gens: The will of Isaac Cushman Sr. of Plimton dated 25 Oct 1727, sworn 30 Oct 1732, names son Isaac Cushman dec.; son Ichabod Cushman; grandson Nathaniel Cushman; dau. Rebeckah Mitchell; children of dau. Mary Waterman dec.; children of dau. Sarah Briant, deceased; dau. Fear Sturtevant; son-in-law Robert Waterman.
From Harlow Family...5 Gens: By his will dated 22 Oct 1690 Thomas Cushman left his son Isaac (who was a co-executor) “one twenty acre lot with ye addition at ye head lying on the northerly side of Samuel Fullers land in ye Township of Plimuth and also one half of my land lying at Namasket Pond in ye township of Middleborough as Also ye one half of my Right in the Sixteen shilling Purchase so Called in the Township abovesaid and also one third part of my meadow at Winnatuxet in Plimouth.” In a codicil written 1 Apr 1691, Thomas gave his sons Thomas and Isaac one hundred acres on Colchester Brooke, provided they make cash payments to his widow and daughters.
Isaac Cushman and John Churchell were chosen as guardians by Stephen Barnabe of Plymouth in Dec 1688, and Cushman was one of the selectmen in Plymouth in 1693.
The covenant of the church in the part of Plymouth that became Plympton, dated 1695, was signed by both Mr. Isaac Cushman and Mrs. Rebeckah Cushman, he at the top of the list of men and she at the top of the list of women.
The only deed of Rev. Isaac Cushman signed by his wife Rebecca was dated 9 Jan 1699 in which Isaac sold to Thomas Lassell 14 acres by Colchester Brook that he had bought from Joseph Howland. On 23 Dec 1718, Isaac Cushman Sr. of Plimton made a deed of gift to his son Isaac Cushman of Plimton in exchange for which Isaac was to pay £100 to his brother Ichabod. The deed was for all of his property excepting a share in Colchester Cedar Swamp and reserving “to me and wife Rebecca” the use and improvement for their lifetimes of the house and lands on the south side of Colchester Brook, “where I now dwell,” and the meadow at Winnatuxett. This deed was ack. by Isaac on 27 Feb 1718/19.
The will of Isaac Cushman, Senr., of Plimton, made 25 Oct 1727 and proved 4 Dec 1732 at Marshfield, names his son Isaac Cushman (who had also received his portion, additionally the fifth part of the books and 20 shillings), grandson Nathaniel Cushman (his share of Cedar Swamp in Colchester Swamp), daughter Rebeckah Mitchell (one quarter of moveable estate), children of daughter Mary Waterman deceased (one quarter of moveable estate), children of daughter Sarah Briant deceased (one quarter of moveable estate), and daughter Fear Sturtevant (one quarter of moveable estate), son-in-law Robert Waterman (ID86) (executor), and friends Capt. Benoni Lucas (ID23020) and Deacon David Bozworth (ID23574) (overseers). Witnesses were Ignatius Cushing (ID21281), Benoni Lucas and David Bozworth. The inventory was taken 2 Nov 1732 by David Bosworth, Benjamin Weston (ID28473), and Ignatius Cushing (ID21281), and an account was filed 28 Jun 1733. Sources: References p. 13, above-cited book.
From Vital Records of Plymouth MA to the Year 1850, Book 1, p. 18: The children of Isaac Cushman & Rebekah Cushman his wife
1 Rebekah born on the 30th of Nov 1678
2 Isaac born on the 15th of Nov 1676. This should have been first set down.
3 Mary born on the 12th of Oct 1682
4 Sarah born 17 Apr 1684
5 Icabod born 30 Oct 1686
6 Fear born 10 Mar 1689
From HWC’s Cushman Gen: Isaac’s wife was Mary or Hannah Rickard, b. 1654 and d. at Plympton 27 Sep 1727, age 73. Later in his coverage of Isaac Cushman’s life, he says (on p. 121): “Of his wife Rebeckah (so it is spelled in the original record) Rickard, we know but little. She was a member of quite a large family that settled in Plympton. Three of the name of Rickard were among those who joined the church at Plympton at its organization in 1698. They were probably her relatives—perhaps her father and mother. She was twenty-one years of age and he was twenty-seven at the date of their marriage...”
From Genealogical Register of Plymouth Families, 1899 edition: Isaac’s wife is listed as Rebecca, dau. of Giles Rickard. Subj. book was pub. by Damrell & Upham, Boston, as Part II of “Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth.” (Carla's Note: CUSHMAN pages photocopied and sent to me by Joe Makiewic. Book belongs to Ogdensburg Public Library, 312 Washington St., Ogdensburg, NY 13669, phone (315) 393-4325.)
From Isaac Allerton of the MF...4 Gens: Isaac’s wife was prob. Rebecca Harlow, b. 12 Jun 1655 in Plymouth, d. 3 Sep 1726 in Plympton; dau. of William & Rebecca (Bartlett) Harlow, a descendant of Pilgrim Richard Warren. That ID “is based on the article in TAG 26:144-7.”
From e-mail of descendant Harry C. Hadaway Jr., some years ago: Also uses Rebecca Harlow, not Mary or Hannah RICKARD.
More from HWC’s Cushman Gen: (Rebeckah) died five years before (her husband), at the age of seventy-three. From the fact that she was the wife of such a pious and excellent man as Rev. Isaac Cushman, we may safely conclude, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, that she was of the same character. She raised a family of six children — two sons and four daughters — all of whom were pious and respectable people. Her eldest son Isaac was quite a distinguished man in Plympton.
From Harlow Family...5 Gens: Rev. Isaac Cushman’s wife has been identified in numerous publications as Rebecca Rickard, also occasionally mistaken as Mary Rickard, most apparently copied from the 1855 Cushman genealogy by Henry Wyles Cushman. In 1950 Mrs. John E. Barclay and Miss Anna N. Gurney presented their theory that Isaac’s wife was Rebecca Harlow. Basically, the theory states that the identification of Rebecca Rickard as Cushman’s wife was not based on any evidence, and after exhaustive search of records pertaining to the Rickard family, the authors could not place her in that family. On the other hand, the age at death for Rebecca Cushman (in her 73d year—meaning she had passed her 72nd birthday when she died 3 Sep 1727) equates with the birth date of Rebecca Harlow on 12 Jun 1655. No marriage record has been found for Rebecca Harlow, so she is available to have married Rev. Cushman. No death record for Rebecca Harlow, unmarried woman, has been found. The administration of Sgt. William Harlow ordered that the remainder of his personal estate be divided among his seven (unnamed) daughters. His daughter Hannah is believed to have died in 1689, almost insuring that Rebecca was one of the seven who survived their father. The inventory of Sgt. William Harlow’s estate includes debts due to Isaac Cushman, and Cushman was a surety on the bond of the widow, Mary Harlow. Rebecca’s brother William Harlow married Lydia Cushman, a sister of Rev. Isaac Cushman, and multiple intermarriages between two families are common. Rebecca’s brother Benjamin Harlow gave Isaac Cushman his power of attorney to sell his property in Massachusetts. Other circumstantial family relationships are given in the article. Sources: References p. 13, above-cited book.
From VR of Plympton to 1850 • Plympton Deaths, p. 471: Cushman, Rebeckah (sic), w. Rev. Isaac, Sept. 3, 1727, in 73d y.
From VR of Plympton to 1850 • Marriages, p. 301: Cushman, Elkanah, Dea., s. Eld. Thomas of Plymouth (s. Robert) and Mary (d. Isaac Allerton and Mary) and Elizabeth Cole, 1st w., ______.
From Plymouth MA VR, Book 1 - Marriages, p.85: Elkanah Cushman married Elizabeth Cole 10 Feb 1677; she deceased 4 Jan. 1681.
From VR of Plympton to 1850 • Marriages, p. 301: Cushman, Elkanah, Dea., s. Eld. Thomas of Plymouth (s. Robert) and Mary (d. Isaac Allerton and Mary) and Martha Cooke, 2d w., ______.
From Plymouth MA VR, Book 1 - Marriages, p.85: Elkanah Cushman married Martha Cooke March 2, 1683.
From VR of Plympton to 1850 • Deaths, p. 469: Cushman, Elkanah, Dea., h. Elizabeth (Cole), h. Martha (Cooke), s. Eld. Thomas (s. Robert of Plymouth and Mary (d. Isaac Allerton and Mary), Sept. 4, 1727, age 76y 3m 3d, in P.
From HWC’s Cushman Gen: He was Deacon of the church at Plympton (of which his brother Isaac was Pastor) about nine years. In 1723 he was the Representative in the General Court from Plympton, and held the office of Ensign in the military company in that town — in those days, an office of considerable distinction. The Plympton Church Records say, “At a church meeting in Plympton, December ye 26, 1718, Ensign Elcanah Cushman” (and two others) “were chosen Deacons.”
“Memorandum, that on Sabbath daye some time in March in ye year 1718, Samuel Sturtevant, Elcanah Cushman and Daniel Bosworth were ordained Deacons by the imposision of hands.”
His house stood on the highway leading eastward from Plympton Green to Kingston, and was the first dwelling house northward of the bridge over Colchester brook, on said road.
His Will was dated 14 Oct. 1725—two years before his death—and was recorded in Book 5, page 330, of the Plymouth Records.
He was probably a member of the Plympton church near thirty years, as his name stands first in the list of those who joined after the church was first formed. He was, undoubtedly, “a pious, godly man,” devoted to the prosperity of the church, for no other could hold the important office of Deacon in those days.
From Francis Cooke of the MF...4 Gens: In 1723 Elkanah Cushman served as Representative to the General Court of Massachusetts.
The will of Elkanah Cushman of Plimpton dated 14 Oct 1725, sworn 22 Sep 1727, names sons Allerton and Josiah Cushman; dau. Martha Holmes; granddau. Elisabeth Delano and Hannah Cushman.
The children are covered in MF 17, the ALLERTON FAMILY. Sources: References, top of p. 21, above-cited book.
From Isaac Allerton of the MF...4 Gens: The will of Elkanah Cushman of Plimpton dated 14 Oct 1725, sworn 22 Sep 1727, names sons Allerton and Josiah Cushman; dau. Martha Holmes; two granddaus. Elizabeth Delano and Hannah Cushman.
From e-mail of Adrianne McGee some years ago: Quoting her researcher in Boston regarding Elkanah Cushman: “You gave the date of 14 Oct 1725. Actually according to the register it was probated in 1727. Also note that HE MAY NOT HAVE HAD A WILL MADE, but a Letter of Admin. was recorded. Info found: Case #5813, Plympton, Book 5, Page 330: A bond executed by or for Josiah Cushman, maybe his son?”
E-mail fom Harry C. Hadaway Jr. some years ago gives Elizabeth’s mother as Abigail DAVENPORT, not Mary TILSON.
From Plymouth MA VR, Book 1, p.5: The children of Elkanah Cushman & Elizabeth his wife:
1 Elkanah b. 15 Sep 1678
2 Jams b. 20 Oct 1679
3 Jabes b. 28 Dec 1681 d. the May following 1682
From Plymouth MA VR, Book 1, Deaths - p.134: Elizabeth, the wife of Elkanah Cushman, decd. 4th Jan. 1681.
From VR of Plympton to 1850 • Plympton Deaths, p. 471: Cushman, Martha (Cooke), 2d w. Dea. Elkanah, Sept. 17, 1722, in 65th y., in P. (Note: It would appear that either her b. date or her d. date is off by a year.)
From Plymouth MA VR, Book 1, p.5: The children of Elkanah Cushman & Martha his wife:
1 Allerton b. 21 Nov 1683
2 Elizabeth b. 17 Jan 1685
3 Josiah b. 21 Mar 1687/88
4 Mehittable b. 8 Oct 1693
From VR of Plympton to 1850 • Plympton Marriages, p. 301: Cushman, Elizabeth (ch. Dea. Elkanah) and Robert Waterman (2d w.), Dec. 5, 1723.
From Vital Records of Plymouth MA to the Year 1850, book 1, p. 40: The children of Robert Waterman and Mary Waterman his wife
1 Isaac born on the 10th of May 1703
2 Josiah born on the 5th of March 1704/05
From Isaac Allerton of the MF...4 Gens: On 21 Oct 1740 Robert Waterman of Halifax, yeoman, gave son Josiah Waterman of Kingston a farm in Kingston; wife Abigail released her dower.
The will of Robert Waterman of Halifax dated 1 Feb 1744, codicil 12 Jan 1749, proved 13 Feb 1749, names wife Abigail; sons Isaac, Josiah, Robert, Samuel and Thomas; and daus. Rebecca and Mary.
From Harlow Family...5 Gens: At the court held at Plymouth in Sep 1746 Robert Waterman was among the owners of a dam built across the river running out of Monponset Pond in Halifax, with a furnace and two sawmills standing on or near the dam, who were sued for raising the water behind the dam and causing damage to land owned by Polycarpus Loring (ID 32302) and William Holmes (ID 32067).
The will of John Waterman of Halifax, dated 21 Mar 1748, mentions ownership of land on Hemlock Island in partnership with his brother Robert.
On 21 Jan 1739 Robert Waterman of Halifax, yeoman, gave his son Robert Waterman of Halifax, all the tract where Robert, Jr. lived between James Sturtevant and Jonathan Freeman, half of the meadow and swamp in Halifax on Hemlock Island, and all “west” land except that given to son Samuel. He made similar deeds of gift to sons Samuel and Josiah.
The will of Robert Waterman of Halifax, yeoman, dated 1 Feb 1744, names his wife Abigail (all the household stuff she brought with her; use of west end of house etc., during her widowhood only “I do not think it proper that She Should bring another Family into it;” and £80; sons Isaac (£22 plus what already given him), Josiah (5 shillings plus what given by deed), Robert (a case of drawers, round table, and framed chest with drawers), Samuel (with Robert he was to share equally in the Winnetuxet Meadow bought from Joseph Tinkham and John Smith, as well as the residue of the real estate), and Thomas (5 shillings plus what given by deed); and daughters Rebecca and Mary (£50 each). He also left £20 to Mary Ransom. A codicil was written 12 Jan 1749 in which he states he has made payments of £20 to Mary Ransom, now Mary Barrow, £21 to his daughter Mary, £45 to son Isaac, and £80 to his wife (plus some silver spoons and a golden necklace plus “all the yarn that is Now spun in the House and all the Cloth that is not made up Except So much as is Sufficent for a mans Coat,” and the use of the chest of drawers given to Robert). The will was proved 14 Feb 1749. Sources: References p. 39, above-cited book.
From HWC’s Cushman Gen: Eleazer lived in Plympton; was a church member, and was received during the ministry of his brother, Rev. Isaac Cushman.
From Plymouth MA VR, Book 1 - Marriages, p.86: Eliazur Cushman married Elizabeth Combs 12 Jan. 1687.
From Isaac Allerton of the MF...4 Gens: Eleazer Cushman held offices in Plymouth as late as 17 March 1710/11, so most of his children were born there.
In 1722 (no date) Eleazer Cushman deeded land to son Moses Cushman.
On 14 Oct 1723 Eleazer Cushman Sr. of Plympton deeded his homestead in Plympton to son Eleazer Cushman reserving the right to live there during his life as well as his wife as long as she remained his widow.
A November 1733 petition mentions Eleazer Cushman. His land was to remain in the old precinct (Plympton).
No Plymouth Co. Probate Record for Eleazer Cushman.
He had possibly an 8th child, a daughter, Mary.
From Vital Records of Plymouth MA to the Year 1850, Book 1, p. 20: The children of Eliazar Cushman & Elizabeth Cushman his wife:
1 Lidiah born the 13th of Dec 1687
2 John born on the 13th of Aug 1690
3 Deborah born on the 10th of Jul 1698 (Note: This entire line is struck through.)
From Isaac Allerton of the MF...4 Gens: A descendant of Pilgrim Degory Priest.
[Carla’s Note: Elizabeth’s surname is spelled Combes in “Genealogical Register of Plymouth Families,” 1899 ed. published by Damrell & Upham, Boston, as Part II of “Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth.” CUSHMAN pages photocopied and sent to me by Joe Makiewic. Book belongs to Ogdensburg Public Library, 312 Washington St., Ogdensburg, NY 13669, phone (315) 393-4325.]
From VR of Plympton to 1850 • Plympton Marriages, p. 301: Cushman, Eleizer [int. Eleazar] and Unis [int. Eunice] Stoddard, both of P., Mar. 3, 1740 [int. Feb. 11, 1740-1].
From Isaac Allerton of the MF...4 Gens: On 7 Oct 1748 Eleazer Cushman of Plympton, husbandman, sold land to Samuel Barrows, wife Eunice released dower.
The will of Eleazer Cushman of Plympton dated 22 Feb 1758, proved 2 May 1758, left all to wife Eunice.
[Carla’s Note: Eleazer is not listed among the children of Eleazer and Elizabeth (Coombs/Combes) Cushman in Genealogical Register of Plymouth Families, 1899 ed. published by Damrell & Upham, Boston, as Part II of “Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth.” CUSHMAN pages photocopied and sent to me by Joe Makiewic. Book belongs to Ogdensburg Public Library, 312 Washington St., Ogdensburg, NY 13669, phone (315) 393-4325.
From VR of Plympton to 1850 • Plympton Marriages, p. 303: Cushman, Eunice and Jacob Johnson of Plymouth, Oct. 9, 1764.
From Isaac Allerton of the MF...4 Gens: On 2 Nov 1758 Eunice Cushman, widow of Eleazer Cushman of Plympton, sold her homestead to John Rickard. (This is apparently the land deeded to her husband by his father in 1723.)
Apparently no children. No Plymouth Co. PR for Eunice Cushman.
NOTE: The widow is apparently the “Miss” Eunice Cushman “of Plimton” whose intention to marry Jacob Johnson of Plymouth was published in Plymouth on 22 Sep 1764. They married in Plympton on 9 Oct of that year.
From Isaac Allerton of the MF...4 Gens: The Mary Cushman who had a daughter Ruth Cushman “alias Ruth Sturtevant” in Plympton 14 Aug. 1727 is prob. a daughter of Eleazer Cushman. The father of the child is probably one of the Sturtevants.
From Isaac Allerton of the MF...4 Gens: On 7 Mar 1711/12 Lidia was appointed adm. of the est. of William Harlow of Plymouth. A settlement dated 21 Jun 1712, names widow Lidia Harlow; dau. Elizabeth Doten is deceased leaving one son Thomas Doten; eldest son Thomas Harlow; second son William Harlow; third son Robert Harlow; fourth son Isaac; second dau. Mary; third dau. Lidia; youngest dau. Rebecca (no surnames).
From Harlow Family...5 Gens: The will of Thomas Cushman Sr. of Plimouth, dated 22 Oct 1690, names his daughter Lidiah Harlow, leaving her 20 shillings. His codicil of 1 Apr 1691 gives her two small books.
On 11 Jul 1720 Thomas Harlow of Plymouth, husbandman, was appointed administrator of the estate of his mother, Lydia Harlow of Plymouth, widow. The 24 Dec 1720 division of the estate of Lydia Harlow, widow, of Plymouth, names Thomas, William, Robert and Isaac Harlow; Thomas Doty, Jr., son of Elizabeth (late wife of Thomas Doty), deceased; Lydia, wife of Barnabas Churchill; and Rebecca Harlow. Isaac Harlow and Rebeckah Harlow (both under age 21) chose their brother Thomas as guardian on 13 Jun 1721, and Thomas was also appointed guardian of Thomas Doty “the son of your late sister Elizabeth Doty, deceased,” (also under 21). Sources: References p. 16, above-cited book.
From Isaac Allerton of the MF...4 Gens: William was a descendant of Pilgrim Richard Warren.
On 15 April 1683 William Harlow and Lydia his wife were called before the church because their child was born within six weeks after marriage.
From Harlow Family...5 Gens: The nuncupative (oral) will of Robert Bartlett of Plymouth dated 19 Sep 1676 included an unrecorded bequest to his grandson William Harlow Jr. of Plymouth. This bequest was attested to by Robert’s sons Benjamin Bartlett Sr. of Duxborough and Joseph Bartlett of Plimouth in a deed made in 1683 and ack. 15 & 16 Sep 1691.
On 15 Apr 1683 William Harlow and Lydia his wife were called before the church at Plymouth and charged with “uncleanesse, their child being born within six weekes after marriage, & for disobedience to parents engaging one to another without knowledge & against consent of parents, sinfully also hiding & denying their guilt, they manifested soe much Repentance for all charged, as that the church would not reject them, only voted Admonition, which was applyed by the Pastour.” Lydia Harlow, wife of William Harlow Jr., was admitted to the First Church in Plymouth in 1687. In Jun 1689 William was admitted a freeman in Plymouth Colony.
The selectmen of Plymouth, including William Harlow Sr., called William Harlow Jr. and Samuel Rider before the court held at Plymouth in Mar 1689/90 for having “unjustly and in a Clandestine maner entered upon and taken into their possession and Endeavour to appropriate to their own use a certain Drift Whale cast on shoar within the bounds of the Towne of Plimouth...the property whereof per law belong to said Towne.” The jury found for the plaintiffs and fined the defendants “the Cost of the Suit [27s.6d.] Untill a Better owner may appear.”
The settlement deed among the heirs of William Harlow on 16 Mar 1692 gave to William Harlow the portion bought from Joseph Dunham in Middleborough plus six acres of meadows at the New Meadow. William “held a few unimportant town offices. He lived in that part of Plymouth called Manomet Ponds, where most of his descendants lived.”
On 7 Mar 1711/12 Lidia Harlow, widow, was appointed administratrix of the estate of William Harlow late of Plymouth. Guardianship of Robert (under age 21), Isaac and Rebecca (under age 14) was given to widow Lydia Harlow on 1 Jun 1712 and 19 Sep 1712. A settlement dated 21 Jun 1712 names widow Lidia Harlow; Thomas Doten, grandson and only son of daughter Elizabeth, deceased; eldest son Thomas Harlow; second son William Harlow; third son Robert Harlow; fourth son Isaac Harlow; second daughter Mary; third daughter Lidia; youngest daughter Rebecca (no surnames given). The widow Lydia Harlow as alloted the 13th lot in the second allotment of the Littles Meadow Swamp on 10 Mar 1711/12. Sources: References p. 16, above-cited book.
From Vital Records of Plymouth MA to the Year 1850, Book 1, p. 14: The children of William Harlow Jr. & of Lidiah his wife
1 Elizabeth born in the 3d week of Feb 1683
2 Thomas born the 17th of March 1686
3 A daughter born the 5th of Feb 1687; she d. the 5th of March following 1687/88
From Plymouth MA VR, Book 1, Deaths - p.136: William Harlow decd. Jan. 28th 1711/12.
From Harlow Family...5 Gens: On 11 Jul 1720 Thomas Harlow of Plymouth was appointed administrator of estate of his sister Mary Harlow of Plymouth. On 24 Dec 1720 the est. was divided as in their mother’s estate. Sources: References p. 16, above-cited book.
From Plymouth MA VR, Book 1, Deaths - p.137: Mary Harlow decd. Jan. 3d 1715/16.
From Harlow Family...5 Gens: On 30 April 1724 Thomas Harlow was appointed adm. of est. of brother Isaac Harlow of Plymouth. On 29 April 1725 the estate of Isaac Harlow was divided among brothers Thomas, William and Robert Harlow; Thomas Doty son of eldest sister Elizabeth; Barnabas & Lydia Churchill and Rebecca Harlow. Sources: References p. 16, above-cited book.